Finally, some recommendations were put forward by author for further development of water chestnut plant production in Hezhou Prefecture. 在制约因素分析的基础上,本论文最后提出了关于改善贺州市荸荠种植产业发展的建议。
The result shows that the main reason that restricts the development of water chestnut plant production in Hezhou Prefecture is that the farmers are lack of integrated cultivation technologies and management skills of water chestnut production with high yielded and high qualification. 因此,农户缺乏荸荠优质高产栽培管理综合技术,通过影响荸荠种植业的单产、质量、经济效益和种植面积而制约荸荠种植系统的总产出,这是制约贺州市荸荠种植业发展的最主要因素。